About X-FORTH#

The X-FORTH startet as a pet-project during my time in california (1999-2000), where I found some time to work on the A8 again. FORTH was always one language that interested me, so I started to look for FORTH on the ATARI 8bit (A8). Unfortunatly all available FORTH implementations were rather old (1979-1985), and mostly not compatible to the newer ANSI Standard. So I started a project to create a new ANSI compatible FORTH for the A8. I startet with the original FIG-FORTH Listing and a very good FORTH source with commends from Andreas Jung --> Andreas Jung FORTH for 8088/6502(%DE%).

Today X-FORTH is usable, but not fully ANSI compatible nor totally tested. It has an interface to the ATARI CIO, so it is possible to read and write files on disk and also to create a new extended FORTH System / Application Programm.

Development will continue on this project, mostly during the Unconventional Meeting in September each year.

Quick Start#

Source Code#

Change Log#

Main.CarstenStrotmann - 06 Jan 2003

Main.CarstenStrotmann - 11 Jan 2003

Main.CarstenStrotmann - 26 Jan 2003

Main.CarstenStrotmann - 07 May 2003

Main.CarstenStrotmann - 19 Oct 2003

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