This page (revision-50) was last changed on 31-Dec-2023 15:16 by 

This page was created on 14-May-2018 22:33 by Roland B. Wassenberg

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
50 31-Dec-2023 15:16 11 KB to previous
49 31-Dec-2023 15:16 11 KB to previous | to last
48 03-Feb-2023 15:21 11 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
47 15-Oct-2019 19:38 13 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
46 15-Oct-2019 19:37 13 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
45 15-Oct-2019 19:31 13 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
44 15-Oct-2019 18:53 13 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
43 15-Oct-2019 18:22 13 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
42 15-Oct-2019 18:08 11 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
41 15-Oct-2019 18:01 10 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last

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At line 40 added 20 lines
* [Demonstrating PLATO on Atari and PC|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [Demonstrating the Atari and PLATO cartridge|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [Using IRATA.ONLINE from any web browser. Even your fridge!|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA ONLINE | VCFMW 2018|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [VCF West XIII -- Thom Cherryhomes -- IRATA Online Plato System|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE - One Community, Many Platforms|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [VCF East XIII -- Thomas Cherryhomes -- IRATA.ONLINE PLATO Environment|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA Online - Atari, Ti, and Spectrum|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE - Getting Started with PLATOTerm for Atari 8-bit systems|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA ONLINE - PLATOTerm Amiga WIP 20181115|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE presentation at VCF Midwest 13|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE - About Linesets|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE - Character Sets|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE and PLATOTerm - Many Platforms, One Codebase - Teleconferencing Example|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE Presentation at VCF East - 2018-05-23|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [IRATA.ONLINE - Using the Notesfile Sequencer|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [PLATOTerm for Atari computers|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [PLATOTERM lite 1.3 for Atari 8-bit Computers|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [Spasim - The first (1974) multiplayer 3d first person shooter game|] ; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
* [ATARI PLATO Router Demonstration| PLATO Router Demonstration.mp4] ; size: 59.7 MB; from Thomas 'Thom' Cherryhomes ; thank you Thom!
At line 41 removed 36 lines
ATARI PLATO Router Demonstration.mp4
Demonstrating PLATO on Atari and PC.mp4
IRATA Online Atari, Ti, and Spectrum.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE - demonstration.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE About Linesets - YouTube.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE About Linesets.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE and PLATOTerm Many Platforms, One Codebase - Teleconferencing Example 1.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE and PLATOTerm Many Platforms, One Codebase - Teleconferencing Example 2.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE and PLATOTerm Many Platforms, One Codebase - Teleconferencing Example.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE Presentation at VCF East - 2018-05-23.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE-Character Sets.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE-Getting Started with PLATOTerm for Atari 8-bit systems.mp4
IRATA.ONLINE-Using the Notesfile Sequencer.mp4
PLATOTerm for Atari computers.mp4
Why I started IRATA.ONLINE.mp4
IRATA ONLINE - One Community, Many Platforms.webm