Table of Contents
- 3D Printer Files
- Cassette
- Emulator
- Generic Information
- Graphics
- Hardware
- Computer
- Disk Drives
- Atari
- Third Party Drives
- Drive enhancements
- Tape Recorder
- Printer
- Modem
- Interface
- Video Upgrades
- Controller
- Voicebox/Sprachbox
- Cartridges
- Other
- History
- Literature
- Newsletters
- PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operation)
- Podcasts
- Preservation
- Programming
- Rarity 10 and above up to impossible
- Related to Atari
- Software
- Applications
- Atari 8-bit Software Preservation Initiative
- Atari Boxes
- Atari Learning System Software
- Atari Program Exchange (APX) Software
- ATARI Cartridge Serial Numbers
- ATARI Conversational Language Series
- Country Specific Atari Software
- France - P.E.C.F. Atari
- Germany - Atari Deutschland GmbH
- Italy - Atari Italia S.p.A.
- Netherlands - Atari (Benelux) B.V.
- United Kingdom - Atari Corporation UK
- Demo
- Disk Operating Systems (DOS)
- DOS Versions
- DOS Related Information
- Games
- Voice and Data Cassettes
- Source Code
- Applications
- Disk Operating Systems (DOS)
- Drivers
- Games (in the sequence the authors released the sources to the public)
- Programming Languages
- Operating Systems (OS)
3D Printer Files#
- Boot from Cassette
- Atari Datasette XC12 Turbo 6000 Baud Interface
- Rambit Turbocharger for Atari Datarecorders
- CAS to WAV and WAV to CAS
Generic Information#
- Atari ATASCII Table
- Differences Atari 400/800 - 1200XL - 600/800XL
- Ironman Atari A compilation of advanced Atari 8-bit programming techniques
- Mode, Setcolor, Color Table
- Table of Modes and Screen Format
- Unleash the power of Ataris CPU
- Design Master Testbericht (German)
- Multi Player Animator (German)
- Atari 400
- Atari 800
- Atari 1200XL
- Atari 800XL
- Atari 600XL
- Atari 130XE
- Atari 65XE
- Atari 800XE
- Atari XEGS
Disk Drives#
- Atari 810
- Atari 815
- Atari 1050
- Atari XF551
Third Party Drives#
Drive enhancements#
- Happy Computers Upgrades
- CompyShop Speedy Upgrades
- Turbo1050 Upgrades
- XF551 Indexlochabfrage - Indexhole Detection upgrade
- Custom Disk Format Routine (Atari 1050 with Compy Shop Speedy)
- Indus GT Field Service Manual* Indus GT Firmware ROM Source (Disassembly)
- Indus GT Schematics
- Floppy 2000
- HDI Interface (aka Floppy 3000)
Tape Recorder#
- ATARI 410
- ATARI 1010
- Bugfix for the Cassette Handler
- ATARI XC12 = XCA12 = CA12
- All about Cassette Tapes from 1979.pdf ; size: 741 KB
- ATARI 820 40-column printer
- ATARI 822 Thermal Printer
- ATARI 825 Dot Matrix Printer
- ATARI 1020 Plotter
- ATARI 1025 Dot Matrix Printer
- ATARI 1027 Letter Quality Printer
- Atari 1027 Printer - OS Timeout Fix
- ATARI 1029 Dot Matrix Printer
- ATARI XMM801 Dot Matrix Printer
- ATARI XDM121 Daisy Wheel Printer
- ATARI 830 Acoustic Modem
- ATARI 835 Direct connect Modem
- ATARI 1030
- Atari 1030 Modem with ModemLink Telecommunications Program
- Atari SX212 Modem
- ATARI 850
- TransKey-II
- ARGS RS232 Cartridge (German)
Video Upgrades#
- Atari CX70 Light Pen
- Atari CX77 Touch Tablet
- Atari CX80 Trak-Ball controller
- Atari CX85 Numerical Keypad
- Trackball
- Multijoy Interface
- Atari Sprachbox (German)
- Sprachbox XL/XE
- Blueprint of ACTION! Cart
- AtariMax EXEPACKER Files with bundled DOS
- ARGS RS232 Cartridge (deutsch)
- The!Card
- Cartridges
- ARGS ISA PC Interface
- Bank Switching
- SDrive-MAX
- MicroUSB
- The Atari FAQ
- The Atari Years
- Atari Historie
- Videospielgeschichten
- The 10 most important video games of all time
- Books
; Mega-thanks to Atarimania for hosting
- Dealer Documents
; Mega-thanks to Atarimania for hosting
- Internal Documents
; Mega-thanks to Atarimania for hosting
- Manuals
; Mega-thanks to Atarimania for hosting
- Magazines ; Magazines which are either in current print or are now out of print
- Newsletters
- Other Documents
; Mega-thanks to Atarimania for hosting
- Press Kits
; Mega-thanks to Atarimania for hosting
- Technical Documents
; Mega-thanks to Atarimania for hosting
PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operation)#
- Atari_8-Bit_Error-Codes.pdf
; Error-Codes for ACTION!, Atari Assembler Cartridge, Atari BASIC & OSS BASIC XL/XE, DOS or other Operating System, MAC/65 and Microsoft BASIC II
- ASCII-Tabelle
- DEZ-HEX-BIN-OKT-PEN (Excel 2016).xlsx
; Excel sheet for number conversions ; base conversions require Excel 2016
- OpCodes
- CIO Special Command Filter
- Atari Password
Rarity 10 and above up to impossible#
Related to Atari#
- Business
- Calculation & Graphics
- Atari Calculator
- Atari Graph It I & II
- Atari Home Finance
- Atari Investment Analysis Series
- Atari Personal Financial Management System
- Atari Rechner Simulation mit UPN
- Atari Silent Butler
- Atari Statistics I
- Atari The Dow Jones Investment Evaluator
- Enhancements to Graph It
- Family Budgets
- Family Cash Flow
- Family Finances
- Home Inventory
- RPN Calculator
- Database
- Diagnostic
- Education
- Entertainment
- Atari Biorhythm CX4107
- Atari Biorhythm cassette-Dual Track with voice, music and data
; size: 21.3 MB ; MP4-file taken from Youtube
- Atari Hangman CX4108
- Atari Hangman cassette-Dual Track with voice, music and data
; size: 19.8 MB ; MP4-file taken from Youtube
- Video Easel CXL 4005
- Learning
- Remote Data Transfer
- Simulation
- Atari Energy Czar CX4121
- Atari SCRAM-A Nuclear Power Plant Simulation CX4123
- Atari Kingdom CX4102
- Atari Kingdom cassette-Dual Track with voice, music and data
; size: 14.4 MB ; MP4-file taken from Youtube; main start from minute 1:10
- Spreadsheets
- Tools
- Utilities
- Word Processing
Atari 8-bit Software Preservation Initiative
Atari Boxes#
Atari Learning System Software#
Atari Program Exchange (APX) Software#
ATARI Cartridge Serial Numbers#
ATARI Conversational Language Series#
Country Specific Atari Software#
France - P.E.C.F. Atari#
- Assembleur-Editeur (Cartridge: CXL 4003)
- Atari Logo (Cartridge: RX 8032)
- Ataritexte (Cartridge: RXF 8036)
- Atlas (Disk: APX 20055)
- Attaque! (Disk: APX 20072)
- Basic Microsoft Atari (Disk: AX 2025)
- Budget Familial (Disk: APX 20108)
- Cache-cache de mots (Cassette: APX 20140)
- Calcul Algébrique (Disk: DXF 54001, Cassette: TXF 53001)
- Caméléon (Disk: DXF 54016)
- Catalogue de disquettes (Disk: APX 20056)
- Centrale Nucléaire (Cassette: CX 4123)
- Chevalet Video (Cartridge: CXL 4005)
- Comment Compter (Disk: APX 20148, Cassette: APX 10148)
- Constructions electriques (Disk: APX 20215)
- Crocodile + Flip Flop (Disk: DT 2009, Cassette: DT 1009)
- Cubes (Cassette: APX 20101)
- Culture physique (Disk: APX 2003)
- Débogeur pour assembleur et macro-assembleur (Disk: DXF 54102)
- Descente à ski (Disk: APX 20063, Cassette: APX 10063)
- Des chiffres et des Lettres (Cartridge: RXF 52001)
- Drapeaux d'europe (Disk: APX 20149)
- Editeur de sons (Disk: APX 20018, Cassette: APX 10018)
- Extra-terrestres + Matuvu (Disk: DT 2011, Cassette: DT 1011)
- Fichier Larousse de 15 000 Mots (Disk: DT 2020)
- Front de l'est 1941 (Disk: APX 20050)
- Géographie (Disk: APX 20164)
- Gestion de données (Disk: APX 20059)
- Gestion Familiale (Disk: APX 20108)
- Gloup + Fleches (Disk: DT 2008, Cassette: DT 1008)
- Golf + Barre (Disk: DT 2010, Cassette: DT 1010)
- Graphe 1 (Disk: CX 4109)
- Graphe 2 (Disk: APX 20074)
- Géographie (Disk: APX 20164, Cassette: APX 10164)
- Hickory Dickory (Cassette: APX 10071)
- Initiation à la programmation en basic 1 (Cassette: CX 4101C)
- Initiation à la programmation en basic 2 (Cassette: CX 4106C)
- Initiation à la programmation en basic 3 (Cassette: CX 4117C)
- Insectivores + Concentration (Disk: DT 2012, Cassette: DT2012)
- Jeu du royaume (Cassette: CX 4102)
- Jouer du piano (Disk: APX 20062, Cassette: APX 10062)
- L'ampoule electrique (Disk: DXF 54002)
- L'énigme du triangle (Disk: DXF 54015)
- La boite à musique (Disk: APX 20182, Cassette: APX 10182)
- La chasse aux fautes + La course aux Hapax (Disk: DT 2006, Cassette: DT 1006)
- La gamme d'Agam (prototype)
- La quête du graal (Cassette: DT 1005)
- Les bonbons + Chaos (Disk: DT 2013, Cassette: DT 1013)
- Limonade (Disk: APX 20001, Cassette: APX 10001)
- Macro Assembleur (Disk: CX 8121)
- Mathematic-Tac-Toe (Disk: APX 20082, Cassette: APX 10082)
- Ministre de l'énergie (Cassette: CX 4121)
- Music Composer (Cartridge: CXL 4007)
- Nostradamus (Disk: DXF 54013)
- Promoteur (Disk: DXF 54017)
- Questions et réponses (Disk: APX 20081)
- Statistiques (Cassette: CX 4103)
- Super Biorythmes (Disk: DF 4001, Cassette: TF 4001)
Germany - Atari Deutschland GmbH#
- Business
- Datenbanken
- Grafik
- Musik
- Programmierhilfen
- Programmiersprachen
- Spiele
- Spielend lernen mit Atari-Programmen
- Textverarbeitung
- Unterhaltung
- Utilities
Italy - Atari Italia S.p.A.#
The below broken links will be filled up with content in the future, meanwhile, please visit the incredible work from pioneers in that field:-
; thank you so much Marsupilami from AtariAge, that is of great help and an even more greater step for a better Europe. Thank you.
; Thank you so much Philsan from AtarAge, that is a major and giant leap to fully restore Atari Italy. Thank you so much, please go ahead.
; Thank you so much Philsan from AtarAge, that is a major and giant leap to fully restore Atari Italy. Thank you so much, please go ahead.
- Affrettati + Capovolto - (Cassette: CXT 9501)
- Archiviatutto L' - (Disk: CXT 0415)
- Assembler Editor - (Cartridge: CXLT 4003)
- AtariWriter - (Disk: DXT 8036)
- Aufgepasst + Battaglia degli insetti - (Cassette: CXT 5710)
- Bioritmi - (Cassette: CXT 4107)
- Boccone + Frecce indicatricci - (Cassette: CXT 9502)
- Cara Caramella + Caos - (Cassette: CXT 5706)
- Disk Fixer - (Disk: DXT 5729)
- Golf + Le travi gemelle - (Cassette: CXT 9503)
- Grafica - (Disk: DXT 4109)
- I conti di casa - (Disk: CXT 0421)
- Invito a programmare 1 - (Cassette: CXT 4101)
- Invito a programmare 2 - (Cassette: CXT 4106)
- Invito a programmare 3 - (Cassette: CXT 4117)
- Macro Assembler e Text Editor - (Disk: CX 8121)
- Microsoft BASIC II - (Cartridge: AXT 2025)
- Scram - (Disk: DXT 4123)
- Stati e capitali d'europa - (Cassette + Disk: DXT 4114)
- Statistica - (Disk: DXT 4103)
- UFO + Veloci come il fulmine - (Cassette: CXT 5711)
- Utility 1 - (Disk: DXT 5725)
- Utility 2 - (Disk: DXT 5726)
Netherlands - Atari (Benelux) B.V.#
- Programmeren
- Kantoor Thuis
- Algemene Ontwikkeling
- Edukatie
- Entertainment
- Demo
United Kingdom - Atari Corporation UK#
- Games
- Atari Compilation - (Cassette: TX 9043)
- Black Lamp - (Cassette: TX 9049)
- Chess - (Cassette: UKC1004)
- Compilation A - (Cassette: TXP7100)
- Compilation B - (Cassette: TXP7101)
- Compilation C - (Cassette: TXP7000)
- Computer Chess & European Countries and Capitals - (Cassette: ACC1001)
- Cygnus XI - (Cassette: TX 9051)
- Eastern Front 1941 - (Cassette: UKC1003)
- Heartache - (Cassette: TX 9046)
- Nucleus - (Cassette: TX 9050)
- Pole Position - (Cassette: TX 8034)
- Slingshot - (Cassette: TX 9044)
- Speed Hawk - (Cassette: TX 9047)
- Star Raiders (Cassette)
- The Lone Raider - (Cassette: EC 2001)
- The Pay-Off - (Disk: EC 2002)
- Thunderfox - (Cassette: TX 9041)
- Tiger Attack - (Cassette: TX 9045)
- Twilight World - (Cassette: TX 9042)
- Atari In-Store Demonstration Program 1982
- Atari Demonstration Program 1984
- GTIA Demonstration Diskette APX-20104
- Fandal's demo site
- Atarionline demo site
- Atari Home Computers-Demo Ball
Disk Operating Systems (DOS)#
DOS Versions#
- Atari DOS 1
- Atari DOS 2
- Atari DOS 3
- Atari DOS 4
- Atari DOS XE
- BEWE DOS 1.30 Manual
- Bibo-DOS
- LiteDOS
- INDUS GT Synchromesh
- OSS A+ 2
- OSS A+ Professional 2.12
- OSS A+ 4
- SmartDOS
- Sparta DOS Construction Set Manual
- Sparta DOS X Review
- SpartaDOS
- SuperDOS
- Turbo-DOS
- XDOS 2.43
DOS Related Information#
- Disk formats / Diskettenformate
- Disk drive formats / Laufwerksformate
- 3 Sector read only DOS
- Ram-Disk under OS-ROM for XL XE - Article from German "Happy Computer" magazine
- CIOV Tutorial
- File Suffix
- DOS Command Processor
- Der XIO Befehl fuer Dateioperationen
- Der XIO Befehl fuer Grafikoperationen
- Other DOS_topics
- RTime8 Manual
- XIO Command Codes DOS Handler
Voice and Data Cassettes#
Atari Basic Course: An Invitation to Programming 1-3:
- Course 1: An Invitation to Programming 1 - Fundamentals of Basic Programming CX4101
- Course 2: An Invitation to Programming 2 - Writing Programs one and two CX4106
- Course 3: An Invitation to Programming 3 - Introduction to Sound and Graphics CX4117
Atari Basic Kurs (deutsch): Teil 1 und 2 sind vorhanden, Teil 3 wurde leider nie fertig
- Kurs 1: Programmieren leicht gemacht-Lernen Sie BASIC mit Dagmar Berghoff-TXG4110
- Kurs 2: Noch mehr BASIC-Lernen Sie BASIC mit Dagmar Berghoff-TXG 55007
- Kurs 3: BASIC für Fortgeschrittene-Lernen Sie BASIC mit Dagmar Berghoff
- Conversational GERMAN CX4118
- Conversational FRENCH CX4119
- Conversational SPANISH CX4120
- Conversational ITALIAN CX4125
- Atari Biorhythm cassette-Dual Track with voice, music and data
; size: 21.3 MB ; MP4-file taken from Youtube ; Atari Biorhythm program
- Atari Kingdom cassette-Dual Track with voice, music and data
; size: 14.4 MB ; MP4-file taken from Youtube; main start from minute 1:10 ; Atari Kingdom program
- Atari Hangman cassette-Dual Track with voice, music and data
; size: 19.8 MB ; MP4-file taken from Youtube
- Atari Blackjack
Source Code#
Disk Operating Systems (DOS)#
- Atari DOS 2.0S Source Code
; Inside Atari DOS-Bill Wilkinson ; size: 39.8 MB
- Atari 810 DOS Utilities Source Listing (DOS II)
; size: 46 MB
- Atari DOS II Assembly Source Listing
- Atari DOS 2.5 Source Code
- MyDOS 4.51 source code
- SuperDOS 5.1 source code
Games (in the sequence the authors released the sources to the public)#
- Eastern Front 1941 ; 1981 from Chris Crawford
- River Raid
; just Atari VCS 2600 source code
; Atari 8 bit source code is still missing
- Donkey Kong
; size: 418 KB ; source code not quite complete, but very close
- Fort Apocalypse
; 2015 from Steve Hales
- Star Raiders ; 2015 from Doug Neubauer & Steve Hales
- Sea Dragon
; 2015 from Russ Wetmore
- Preppie!
; 2015 from Russ Wetmore
- Preppie! II
; 2015 from Russ Wetmore
- Blue Max ; 2016 from Bob Polin
- Pong ; 1986 from Gary S. Domrow
- Checkers Display ; 2017 from Carol Shaw
Programming Languages#
Assembler/Debugger:- Atari Assembler Editor
- Atari Macro Assembler and Program Text Editor (AMAC)
- OSS BUG/65
- OSS MAC/65
- Synapse Assembler
- A65 Assembler
- Bibo-Assembler
- Atari Basic Source Code 1
from The Atari Basic Source Book
- Atari Basic Source Code 2
- Atari Basic Source Code 3
- OSS Basic A+
- OSS Basic XL
- OSS Basic XE
- OSS Integer Basic
- Microsoft Basic
- Microsoft BASIC for 6502-Original Source Code from 1978
- Turbo-BASIC XL
- Altirra Basic
- Basic++
Operating Systems (OS) #
- Atari 400-800 Operating System Source Listing Rev. A - C017893 (1981) ; pdf-file
- Source listings for all Atari OS revisions
; size: 205 KB ; Source
- Atari 400-800 Operating System Source Listing Rev. B (1982) ; ASM-file
- Atari XL Operating System Source Listing ; Rev. 2 ASM-file
; Rev. 11 ASM-file
- Carol Shaw's more accurate Colleen Floating Point Routines - ultimately not used in the OS: asm file
, text file
, original document
; see Atari Calculator for more info
- FAST FLOATING POINT source code for the ATARI from Newell Industries & Charles W. Marslett
- Atari OS Rev. A & B (1979) & Rev. 2 (1983) (Atari) (NTSC & PAL) (400-800-XL-XE) with FAST FLOATING POINT from above
- Backus–Naur form