OSS DOS XL is a Disk Operating System (DOS) written by Paul Laughton, Mark Rose, Bill Wilkinson and Mike Peters and produced by Optimized Systems Software (OSS) for Atari 8-bit microcomputers. It was designed to be compatible with Atari DOS which came shipped with Atari's disk-drives.
DOS XL from OSS is the sucessor of OS/A+ DOS. This command line DOS was delivered together with the Indus GT Drive and many OSS Language Products.
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- OSS DOS XL 2.20 with OCR and navigation
; size: 2.2 MB ; OCR ; navigation menu ; thanks to Allan Bushman for scanning in that incredible good quality. :-)
- OSS DOS XL 2.30 and Bug/65 2.0 manual-printer optimized
; original OSS DOS XL version 2.30 from 12/1983; User's Guide and Reference Manual; printer optimized ; size: 88.2 MB ; mega-thanks to Allan Bushman and Mr.Fish from AtariAge for providing us with that incredible good quality! We owe you very much!
- OSS DOS XL 2.30 and Bug/65 2.0 manual-screen optimized
; original OSS DOS XL version 2.30 from 12/1983; User's Guide and Reference Manual; screen optimized ; size: 12.7 MB; mega-thanks to Allan Bushman and Mr.Fish from AtariAge for providing us with that incredible good quality! We owe you very much!
- OSS DOS XL Handbuch (German)
; German PDF-version, size: 7.5 MB
- OSS DOS XL Handbuch (German)
; German DJVU-version, size: 2.3 MB
- DOS XL v2.30p (1983)(OSS)(US)(Side A)(Double Density).atr
; Original Masterdisk from OSS with double density ; many thanks to the preservation project for providing us with reliable software!
- DOS XL v2.30p (1983)(OSS)(US)(Side B)(Single Density).atr
; Original Masterdisk from OSS with single density ; many thanks to the preservation project for providing us with reliable software!
- OSS DOS XL 2.30p Masterdisk SD.atr
; Masterdisk for SD diskettes; usable for everything, but without further options, please see the manual below ; Indus GT files are included ; CONFIG.BAS, GTRPM.COM, GTSYNC.COM, SMALL.HLP, HELP.POK and a different STARTUP.EXC are included
- OSS DOS XL 2.30p Masterdisk DD.atr
; same as above for DD diskettes
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- OSS DOS XL 2.30p Masterdisk SD (XL-XE) OSS carts only.atr
; Masterdisk for SD diskettes; usable for XL- and XE-machines with OSS Supercarts only, takes advantage of the special carts while using less ram and offering further options, please see the manual below
- OSS DOS XL 2.30p Masterdisk DD (XL-XE) OSS carts only.atr
; same as above for DD diskettes
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- OSS DOS XL 2.30p Masterdisk SD (XL-XE) non OSS carts.atr
; Masterdisk for SD diskettes; usable for XL- and XE-machines with NON-OSS Supercarts only, takes advantage of further options, but uses more ram, please see the manual below
- OSS DOS XL 2.30p Masterdisk DD (XL-XE) non OSS carts.atr
; same as above for DD diskettes
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- OSS DOS XL 2.30p SD.atr
; SD format ; plain version, just DOS XL
- OSS DOS XL 2.30p ED.atr
; ED format ; plain version, just DOS XL
- OSS DOS XL 2.30p DD.atr
; DD format ; plain version, just DOS XL
- OSS DOS XL 2.30p Color.atr
; SD format ; plain version, just DOS with color option adaptable to the user's wishes
- OSS DOS XL 2.30 patch ; patch from version 2.30 to the latest 2.30p version; already done in the above atr-images
- BASIC on-off from DOS XL commandline