This page (revision-6) was last changed on 06-Aug-2023 02:23 by Randy Kindig 

This page was created on 11-Jan-2016 09:48 by Roland B. Wassenberg

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 06-Aug-2023 02:23 2 KB Randy Kindig to previous
5 03-Feb-2023 15:21 2 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
4 11-Jan-2016 10:33 2 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
3 11-Jan-2016 10:29 2 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
2 11-Jan-2016 10:23 2 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
1 11-Jan-2016 09:48 13 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to last Podcasts

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Podcasts are a great tool for more understanding concernng everything around Atari
!!Antic Podcast
Retrocomputing podcast about the Atari 8-bit line of personal computers.\\
Antic Podcast is an Atari 8-bit specific podcast with monthly shows and regular interviews. Kevin Savetz and his team have nearly interviewed all of the big players of the golden age of Atari. The podcast is highly recommended! Missing it would mean, you have an Atari without a cartridge slot, to say it in one sentence. Just see for yourself:\\
*[Antic Podcast web version|]
*[Antic Podcast iTunes|]
!!Inverse ATASCII Podcast
Inverse ATASCII is a podcast which investigates the serious programs from Atari, apart from just the games. Yes, they exist! Wade Ripjetski shows once and for all, that the Atari is not just a 'game machine'. In each podcast he investigates one program. He digs the program as deep as the [Mariana Trench|] compare to mother earth. At the end, there is no question left. Therefore, AtariWiki highly recommendeds his podcast:
*[Inverse ATASCII Podcast web version|]
*[Inverse ATASCII Podcast iTunes|]
!!Player/Missile Podcast
This podcast is a retrospective of the Atari 8-bit home computer systems, the magazines that covered them, and a somewhat chronological review of games as they arrived on the platform.
*[Player/Missile Podcast web version|]
*[Player/Missile Podcast iTunes|]
!!XEGS 8 Bit Podcast
The XEGS 8 Bit Podcast is a podcast mainly for the XEGS system. As of 2015, there is just one podcast, but maybe many more will follow. Just see for yourself:
*[XEGS 8 Bit Podcast web version|]
*[XEGS 8 Bit Podcast iTunes|]