This page (revision-4) was last changed on 03-Feb-2023 15:21 by Florian Dingler 

This page was created on 17-Mar-2010 23:23 by Florian Dingler

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
4 03-Feb-2023 15:21 708 bytes Florian Dingler to previous
3 17-Mar-2010 23:27 705 bytes Florian Dingler to previous | to last
2 17-Mar-2010 23:25 697 bytes Florian Dingler to previous | to last
1 17-Mar-2010 23:23 540 bytes Florian Dingler to last

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At line 1 changed 2 lines
|633| $0279|STICK2|Joystick 3| [PORTB] |A
||ADR||HEXADR||NAME||Description||shadow of||OS
|634| $027A|STICK2|Joystick 3| [PORTB] |A
At line 4 changed one line
This denotes the direction of Joystick 3, where 15 means "centered". It is the lower nibble of 54016 $d300.
This denotes the direction of Joystick 3, where 15 means "centered". It is the lower nibble of [PORTB] 54017 $d301.
Joystick 3 is only available on ATARI 400/800 machines. In XL and XE OS's this register has the same content as [STICK0].
At line 24 changed one line
next: [Joystick 3|STICK2]
previous: [Joystick 2|STICK1]
next: [Joystick 4|STICK3]