This page (revision-11) was last changed on 03-Feb-2023 15:21 by Roland B. Wassenberg 

This page was created on 12-Feb-2012 21:52 by Stefan Haubenthal

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
11 03-Feb-2023 15:21 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous
10 11-Aug-2017 19:57 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
9 10-Aug-2017 19:33 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
8 09-Aug-2017 01:47 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
7 07-Aug-2017 00:41 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
6 07-Aug-2017 00:40 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
5 06-Aug-2017 23:01 464 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
4 06-Aug-2017 23:00 441 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
3 06-Aug-2017 22:55 342 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
2 06-Feb-2015 13:38 214 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
1 12-Feb-2012 21:52 187 bytes Stefan Haubenthal to last

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At line 1 changed 2 lines
!!!SuperDOS ; Copyright (C) 1986-1988 by Paul Nicholls
SuperDOS is a really smart DOS coming from Australia. It was programed by Paul Nicholls. Up to now, there are 3 versions known: version 2.9, 5.0 and 5.1.
SuperDOS is a really smart DOS coming from Australia. It was programed by Paul Nicholls. Up to now, there are 2 versions known: version 2.9 and 5.1.
At line 4 changed 8 lines
!!ATR Images
* [SuperDOS_2.9.atr] ; SuperDOS version 2.9
* [SuperDOS_4.3.atr] ; SuperDOS version 4.3
* [SUPDOS51.atr] ; SuperDOS version 5.1 ; when using the emulators 'atari800win plus 4.0' and 'Atari800MacX 4.6.0' please disable speed limit when booting
* [SUPERDOSv5.0.txt] ; instruction manual version 1.0 for SUPERDOS version 5.0 in a text file
* [5.0upgrade.txt] ; new features for the version 5.0 upgrade in a text file
At line 14 removed 3 lines
!!Source Code
* [SuperDOS_5.1_source_code_on_DOS_2.0D.atr] ; SuperDOS 5.1 source code on Atari DOS 2.0D disk with SynAssembler as AUTORUN.SYS file
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[{Image src='Intro.jpg' width=441 height=271 }]
SuperDOS intro startscreen\\
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SuperDOS version 2.9 startscreen\\
[{Image src='SuperDOS_4.3.jpg' width=440 height=192 }]
SuperDOS version 4.3 startscreen\\
[{Image src='SUPERDOSv5.1.jpg' width=440 height=170 }]
SuperDOS version 5.1 startscreen
SuperDOS version 2.9 startscreen