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At line 5 added 12 lines
An Adaptation by Steve Hales
of the S.C. Assembler II - Version 4.0
SynAssembler (c) 1982
At line 47 added 3 lines
At line 37 changed one line
* [SynAssembler Manual|]
We have included several sample programs to illustrate the use of the SYNASSEMBLER as well as being useful routines. These include:
At line 54 added 495 lines
# HARSH SCROLL :A Utility to coarse scroll the Atari screen display
# FINE SCROLL :A utility to fine scroll the Atari screen display
# PM MOVER :A utility to move players and missiles on the screen
# BELL :Ring the bell using Atari sound generators.
Blanks are compressed in source files to conserve memory and save space on disks. The compression algorithm replaces any string of consecutive blanks with a single code byte. Also, Atari assembler files are compatible and only require minor modification to assemble correctly. (See APPENDIX for further detail). Synassembler uses a memory-efficient method of storing the symbol table, with variable length entries. The symbol table is maintained in alphabetical order, using a high speed hashing scheme. The symbol table is maintained in memory until a new assembly is started or the NEW command is typed. This allows the RUN and VAL commands to be more useful and effective.
Assembler error messages are printed on the Screen and accompanied by a pleasant bell like tone on the speaker. (At least as pleasant as an ERROR message can be). After an assembly error is detected the offending line is listed to the screen automatically, in a position for easy editing.
Any time the cursor is at the beginning of a line, typing ~[TAB] will cause the next line number to be generated. Immediately after loading, the "next line number" will be 10. The number will be displayed as five digits and a trailing blank. The cursor will be in a position for the first character of a label, or the asterisk for a comment line, or a semi-colon.
The "next line number" is always the value of the previously entered line number plus the current "increment". The increment is normally 10, but you can set it to any reasonable value with the INCREMENT command.
If you type the ~[TAB] in any other position than the beginning of a line, it will cause a "tab" to the next tab stop.
The standard tab stops have been changed to allow for a nine character label before the opcode. Of course, you may use any length label from 1 to 32 characters followed by a blank and an opcode; but the use of the tab stops make for nicer looking programs. (Longer labels look nicer, if left on a line by themselves.)
SYNASSMBLER allows continued use of the ATARI cursor controls by pressing the [CTRL] key plus one of the four arrow keys on the right side of the keyboard. In addition, SynAssembler makes full use of the ATARI screen editor.
The SYNASSEMBLER program is about 8000 bytes long, and occupies $9C00 through $BC1F in memory. The screen begins at $BC1F and goes through $BFFF, while the source program begins at the top of DOS and goes to $9C00.
During source program entry or editing, memory usage is monitored so that the source program does not grow so large as to overlap the symbol table. Overlapping will cause the "MEMORY FULL" error. message to print. During assembly, memory required by the symbol table is monitored to prevent the symbol table from overlapping the source program. Overlapping will generate the "MEMORY FULL" error message and abort the assembly.
In addition, memory usage by the object program is monitored, so that it will not destroy the source program, DOS, the Operating System, and hardware. Therefore, if the object program bytes are directed at any memory protected addresses the "MEMORY PROTECT" error message will be printed and assembly.
There are three types of commands in the SYNASSEMBLER: EDITING commands DOS commands and MONITOR commands. The EDITING commands are used to control the Editor and the assembler. Commands are typed immediately after the prompt symbol, which looks like this [Ok.].
There are seventeen editing commands in the SYNASSEMBLER. All editing commands may be abbreviated to the first three letters if you so desire.
|| command || description
| ASM | Assemble source program, put object program into memory, and produce assembly listing.
| COPy | Duplicates specified lines in the source.
| DELete | Delete specified line.
| FINd | List all lines containing the specified string.
| HIDe | Changes the HIMEM pointer to 'hide' current source code prior to a MERge command.
| INCrement | Set the line # increment for automatic line numbering.
| LISt | List the source program or specified lines of source code.
| MEMory | Display the beginning and ending address.
| MERge | Use with HIDe to join source programs.
| MOVe | Moves a line of source code from one specified location to another.
| NEW | Delete the entire source program.
| RENumber | Renumber all or specified lines of source code.
| REPlace | Replace a specified string with another specified string.
| REStore | Restores HIMEM pointer after HIDe and MERge.
| RUN | Begins execution of your object program.
| VAL | Evaluates an operand expression and prints the value in hexadecimal.
| MON | Exit the editor and enter the monitor.
The SYNASSEMBLER editor, combines the powerful Atari screen editing features with a BASIC-like line editor, Source programs are entered and edited in almost exactly the same way you would enter and edit an Atari BASIC program.
__ASM__ command:
SYNASSEMBLER is a two pass assembler. The ASM command initiates assembly of your source program. During the first pass it builds a symbol table with the definition of every label that is used in your program. During the second pass the assembler stores the object code into memory or disk and produces an assembly listing. At the end of the second pass a list, in alphabetical order, of all the labels and their definitions is produced.
If any errors are detected during either pass, an error message will be printed as well as the offending line. The error message will briefly explain the type of error encountered and the line will be positioned for easy editing. All of these messages abort the assembly process so that as soon as you correct the error condition you may immediately restart the assembly.
If you are listing the assembly to the screen you may use the ~[CTRL]+~[1] control to start and stop your listing. You may abort the assembly process by hitting the ~[BREAK] key in pass two of the SYNASSEMBLER.
__COPY L1 L2__
This command places a copy of line L2 just before L1 in the source. The new line is assigned line number L1. The old line L2 remains in the source. This command should be followed by a renumber command if there are multiple lines with the same line number in the source.
__COPY L1 L2 L3__
This command places a copy of lines L2 through L3 just before line L1 in the source. The old lines are assigned line number L1. The old line L2 through L3 remain in the source. This command should be followed by a renumber command if there are any multiple lines with the same line number in the source.
__DEL__ete command:
Deletes a line or a range of lines from your source program. Another way to delete a single line is to type it's line #, followed immediately by a carriage return.
__HID__e AND __MER__ge
These two commands, when used with the LOAD command allow you to join a program from disk or tape to a program that is already in memory.
HIDe temporarily changes the HIMEM pointer so that it appears as if there were no source proaram in memory. To remind you that you are HIDe-ing, the prompt symbol changes to ~[H] ok. After HIDe-ing a program, you can load another one from disk or tape. Then you type MERge to join the two programs together.
After this sequence of commands the program which was already in memory will follow after the program just LOADed. If the line numbers are not already as you wish them to be, you can use the RENUMBER command to assign new ones.
For example, suppose that we have 2 source programs on the disk named "PART1" and "PART2". We want to join them together so that "PART1" precedes "PART2".
00030 RTS
00040 ASL
00050 ASL
00060 RTS
[H] Ok.
[H] Ok.
00030 RTS
[H] Ok.
Sets the increment used for automatic line number generation. The increment is normally 10, but you may set it to any value between 0 and 9999.
The FINd command allows you to search through your source program for a given text string, and list all the lines that contain that string. The correct procedure for use of this command is as follows: Type FINd, followed by a space and then the string for which you are searching. Every character you type between the space and the carriage return is part of the search key. (NOTE: you may append or prefix spaces to any string to perform label searches.)
__LIST L1 L2 __
Lists a single line, a range of lines or your entire program. It works just like the list command in BASIC. While a program or range of lines is listing you can use the standard Atari pause control ~[CTRL1], to start and stop the listing to the screen. You may abort the listing by pressing the ~[BREAK] key.
Displays the beginning and ending memory address of the source program and of the symbol table.
Source program: $9B99-9C1F
Source length: $0086
Symbol table: $1F00-1F00
Memory between the top of the symbol table and the bottom of the source program is free to be used without clobbering anything.
__MER__ge; SEE "HIDe and MERge"
__MOV__e L1 L2
This command places a copy of line L2 just before L1 in the source. The new line is assigned line number L1. The old line L2 is removed from the source . This command should be followed by a renumber command if there are multiple lines with the same line number in the source.
__MOV__e L1 L2 L3
This command places a copy of lines L2 through L3 just before line L1 in the source. The new lines are assigned line number L1. The old lines L2 through L3 are removed from the source. This command should be followed by a renumber command if there are multiple lines with the same line number in the source.
This command acts just like it's BASIC counterpart. It deletes the current source program from memory and restarts SYNASSEMBLER just as though you were to reboot the program.
NOTE: A source program must, of course, be assembled into memory before it can be executed with the RUN command.
Renumbers all or part of the lines in your source program with the specified starting line number and increment. There are three optional parameters for specyifying the line number to assign the first renumbered line (base), the increment, and the place in your program to begin renumbering (start). There are four possible forms of the command:
REN Renumber the whole source program:
BASE=1000, INC=10, START=0
REN # Renumber the whole source program:
REN #1,#2 Renumber the whole source program:
BASE=#1, INC=#2, START=0
REN #1,#2,#3 Renumber all lines from #3 through the end.
BASE=#1, INC=#2, START=#3
The last form above is useful for opening up a "hole" in the line
numbers for entering a new section of code.
00003 START LDA #100
00013 STA $95
00058 LDA #99
00103 STA $A0
00110 RTS
00020 START LDA #100
00030 STA $95
00040 LDA #90
00050 STA $A0
00060 RTS
REN 100
00110 START LOA #100
00120 STA $95
00130 LDA #90
00140 STA $A0
00150 RTS
REN 2000,4
02004 START LDA #100
02008 STA $95
02012 LDA #90
02016 STA $A0
02020 RTS
REN 3000,10,2008
02004 START LDA #100
03000 STA $95
03010 LDA #90
03020 STA $A0
03030 RTS
__REP__lace dS1dS2d
This command replaces all occurences of string S1 with string S2 in the source. d is a delimiter and must be a non-space printable character that does not appear in either, S1 or S2.
__REP__lace dSidS2dtP
This command causes a search to be made for string S1. The search starts at the beginning of the source. Whenever S1 is found, the line containing it is listed and the user is prompted for 1 of 3 actions:
Y or [RETURN]-relace S1 with S2 and continue.
N do not replace S1 with S2 and continue search.
X do not replace S1 with S2 and stop search.
d is a delimiter and must be a non-space, printable
character not appearing in either SI or S2.
Restores the root source program if an assembly is aborted while inside an "included" module.
The 'root source program" is the source program that is in memory at the time the "ASM" command is issued. If this source program uses the ".IN" directive to include additional source files, it is possible that assembly might be aborted either manually by typing a ~[BREAK] key during the listing phase, or automatically due to an error in the source program.
If the assembly is aborted during the time that the root program is hidden, the prompt character changes from "Ok" to "[I] Ok". The RESTORE command will reset the memory pointers so that the root program is no longer hidden, and change the prompt character back to "Ok".
You do not have to use the REStore command after an abort unless you wish to get back to the root source program for editing purposes. If you type the ASM command, the assembler automatically restores before starting the assembly.
If an assembly aborts due to an error in a source line, you may correct the source line, SAVE the module on the appropriate file, and type ASM to restart the assembly.
Begins execution of your object program. An expression MUST follow the RUN command to define the place to begin execution of the program. For example, "RUN BEGIN" will cause execution to begin at the point in your program where the label BEGIN is defined. Your program will return to SYNASSEMBLER by using an RTS instruction in your program. You may abort your program by hitting the [RESET] key. Or, you may use the ~[BREAK] key to break and fall back to the monitor.
The VAL command will evaluate any legal operand expression, and print the value in hexadecimal. It may be used to quickly convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal, to determine the ASCII code for a character or to find the value of a label from the last assembled program.
$0054 00084
VAL 3493 + $3493
$4238 16952
$4200 16896
! DOS commands:
__LOAD__ and __SAVE__ commands:
These commands are used to store your source files onto Disk or Tape in the internal compressed form. This saves disk space and speed.
__BLO__ad and __BSA__ve commands:
These commands are used to load and save BINARY files to disk.
NOTE: BLOad and BSAve function in the same manner as the L and K options in Atari DOS II.
(This will load the binary file called GAME.OBJ
into memory at the address where it was saved.)
BLOad "D:GAME.OBJ",$2000
(this will load GAME.OBJ starting at HEX 2000,
not at the address where i t was saved.)
EXAMPLE: BSAve "D:GAME.OBJ",$2000,$4000
(This saves a binary file called GAME.OBJ from
Hex location $2000 to $4000.
NOTE: the $ always must precede a hexadecimal number. SYMASSEMBLER assumes a decimal number if the $ sign is not present.
This command allows you to enter ASCII text directly from tape or disk. It functions like the ENTER command in Atari BASIC. You can use this command to ENTER Atari assembler source files and then convert them to SYNASSEMBLER format.
The TYPE command is used to save your source to any device in full ASCII format.
(This comand saves the full ASCII source under
the MYSOURCE.TXT file, to disk drive 1)
TYPe "P:" ... sends the source file to the printer.
The directory command is used to examine the contents of your diskettes.
EXAMPLE: DIR by itself will show you the catalog for disk drive 1
DIR "D:*.OBJ" will show anything in the catalog on drive 1
with an OBJ extender.
DIR "D2:*.TXT" will show anything in the catalog on drive 2
with an OBJ extender.
The DOS command jumps from SYNASSEMBLER into the resident DOS in your system.
The OUTput command is used to redirect the output of SYNASSEMBLER to another device; eg. printer, disk, screen etc.
After changing the output you may use the ASM command to send assembled listings to the device specified. To cancel the redirection simply type OUTput without a filespec.
The ZYNAPSE monitor in SYNASSEMBLER allows you to examine, change, move, and verify memory. You may read and write to disk and cassette, dis-assemble machine-language programs; execute programs; perform hexadecimal arithmetic; read and write sectors directly to and from disk; and monitor program execution for debugging purposes.
DISPLAY MEMORY: adrs1.adrs2 [RETURN] This command allows you to display the memory from address1 to address2.
EXAMPLE: 2000.4000 and [RETURN]
CHANGE MEMORY: adrs;data data .....
In order to change data at a particular address enter the address (in HEX of course), and then a semi-colon(;) after which you may enter as much data as you wish making sure that each byte is separated by exactly one space.
EXAMPLE: 2000;4C 00 9D
After having entered an address, you may just use a semi-colon to indicate the next location for your next data entry.
EXAMPLE: 2000;4C
This example has the same effect as the previous example.
This command allows you to dis-assemble 20 instructions starting at the specified address. By typing L again the next 20 instructions will be dis-assembled.
ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION (HEX): data+data or data-data
You may add or subtract data (in HEX) simply by entering data and pressing [RETURN].
MOVING MEMORY: adrs1&ltadrs2.adrs3M
You may easily move data from one part memory to another. You first specify the address into which you wish to move, and then the range of memory that is to be moved.
EXAMPLE: 2000<3FF0.4000M
VERIFY MEMORY: adrs1&ltadrs2.adrs3V
If you wish to compare two blocks of memory, you can easily do so by specifying the starting address of the block you wish to compare and then the range that you wish it compared to.
EXAMPLE: 2000<3FF0.4000V
DISK (READ and WRITE): adrs>sec1.sec2r (READ); adrs>sec1.sec2w (WRITE)
This unique feature of the ZYNAPSE monitor allows you to access the disk directly. The first parameter is the starting address of the buffer in which you wish to store the contents of the sec1 through sec2. Note:The READ and WRITE commands are lowercase. (CAUTION: BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WHEN ACCESSING THE DISK DIRECTLY. YOU CAN EASILY OVERWRITE THE CONTENTS OF YOUR DISK.)
EXAMPLE: 2000<1.4r (reads sector 1 through 4 into
buffer starting at 2000)
2000<1.4w (wites the contents of buffer starting
at 2000 to sectors 1 through 4.)
This command tells the assembler to restore the original screen color and tab stops to the power-up specifications.
These commands are mainly used for execution and debugging assembly language programs.
The G command is used to execute a program from the monitor, by typing the program address and the G command.
[*] Ok.
This will execute a program at 4000
EXAMINE and MODIFY registers: R
The R command allows you to examine and modify the 6502 registers (A,X,Y,P,S).
[*] Ok.
A=05 X=10 Y=50 P=30 S=F7
They can now be modified with the ";" command
STEP and TRACE: S, T (see also DEBUGGING)
The S and T commands are for single stepping your assembly language program but the T repeats the S command indefinitely. The S command will execute one instruction:
[*] Ok
4000: A9 03 LDA #$03
A=03 X=00 Y=00 P=90 S=F0
At this point you may modify the register.
The T command will do the same thing as the S command except it will just repeat it forever. To get out of this mode, just tap the ~[BREAK] key.
The Q command will return you to the assembler.