This page (revision-4) was last changed on 03-Feb-2023 15:21 by John 

This page was created on 21-Aug-2010 04:30 by John

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
4 03-Feb-2023 15:21 4 KB John to previous
3 21-Aug-2010 04:34 4 KB John to previous | to last
2 21-Aug-2010 04:33 4 KB John to previous | to last
1 21-Aug-2010 04:30 4 KB John to last

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At line 1 changed one line
! Input / output in the people-FORTH
!!!Input / Output in Volks-FORTH
At line 3 changed one line
[TableOfContents ()]
[{TableOfContents }]
At line 5 changed one line
! Input / output commands in the people-FORTH
!! Input / output commands in VolksFORTH
At line 18 changed one line
At line 21 changed one line
At line 82 changed one line
!!Ein- / Ausgabe von Zahlen
! Input / output of numbers
At line 84 changed one line
Die Eingabe von Zahlen erfolgt im interpretativen Modus über die Tastatur, wobei grundlegende Eingabeworte mit __number__ __numbers__ und den verwandten Worten definiert werden. Bei der Ausgabe von Zahlen ist wieder die fehlende Typisierung von FORTH zu beachten — für ein bestimmtes Datenformat (integer, unsigned, double) ist jeweils der geeignete Operator auszuwählen.
The input of numbers is made in the interpretive mode via the keyboard, and basic input words are defined with __number__ __numbers__ and related words. For the issue of numbers again is the lack of typing of FORTH observed - for a specific data format (integer, unsigned, double) is appropriate in each case the operator to select.
At line 86 changed 6 lines
* [.|dot]
* [u.|unsigned-dot]
* [d.|double-dot]
* [.r|dot-right-justified]
* [u.r|unsigned-dot-right-justified]
* [d.r|double-dot-right-justified]
* [. | Dot]
* [U. | unsigned-dot]
* [D | double-dot]
* [. R | dot-right-justified]
* [U.r | unsigned-dot-right-justified]
* [D.r | double-dot-right-justified]