Accessing Memory#
Table of Contents
Reading Memory locations#
In Basic, we use PEEK(addr) to read a memory location. This example read the first joystick
... 100 STICK = PEEK(632) 110 IF STICK = 15 THEN PRINT "centered" 120 IF STICK = 14 THEN PRINT "up" 130 IF STICK = 13 THEN PRINT "down" ...
In Forth, there are two words to read memory. @ (called FETCH) reads a 16bit value from a memory location and places the value on the stack. C@ (called C-FETCH) reads a 8bit value (a byte).
Both words need (=consume) the address on the stack.
In the Atari, Memory location 632/~$278 is the shadow register for the first joystick port (PORTA/54016). So the above BASIC example would be in FORTH:
&632 C@ DUP 15 = IF ." centered " THEN DUP 14 = IF ." up " THEN 13 = IF ." down " THEN
Writing memory locations#
The counterpart to @ (FETCH) and C@ (C-FETCH) are ! (STORE) and C! (C-STORE). These words take a value and an address from the stack and store the value at the address. The Stack comments for this words are:
! ( 16b addr -- ) C! ( 8b addr -- )
The below BASIC line changes the background color of the screen to black, writing the value 0 in memory location 709 (COLOR1):
100 POKE 709,0
In Forth, we write
0 709 C!