Atari Compilation (TX 9043)#
Atari Corp UK released this compilation cassette 1987. This cassette contains rereleases of the games Typo Attack, Tennis, Missile Command, Centipede and Star Raiders. Each game features a loading screen by ATari Corp UK which states the copyright date of 1987.CAS-Image:#
Side: 1 Typo Attack, Missile Command, Centipede: Atari_Compilation_TX9043_SideA.casSide: 2 Tennis, Star Raiders: Atari_Compilation_TX9043_SideB.cas
Individual CAS-files:#
Typo Attack: Atari_Compilation_TX9043_SideA_Typo_Attack.casMissile Command: Atari_Compilation_TX9043_SideA_Missile_Command.cas
Centipede: Atari_Compilation_TX9043_SideA_Centipede.cas
Tennis: Atari_Compilation_TX9043_SideB_Tennis.cas
Star Raiders: Atari_Compilation_TX9043_SideB_Star_Raiders.cas