
Color names#

Hue Value decHue hexColor from ... to Name
0 $0black to whiteBlack
1 $1brown to goldRust
2 $2orange to yellowRed-orange
3 $3terracotta to pinkDark Orange
4 $4dark red to magentaRed
5 $5violet to light blue Dark lavender
6 $6indigo to white Cobalt blue
7 $7sky blue Ultramarine blue
8 $8royal blue to baby blueMedium Blue
9 $8ultramarin to light blue Dark Blue
10 $Aturquois Blue-grey
11 $Bdark blue to aquamarin Olive Green
12 $Csea green to turquoisMedium green
13 $Dwood green to light green Dark Green
14 $Eolive Orange-green
15 $Fkhaki to yellowOrange


Luminance ValueDescription
0 $0 dark black
2 $2 black
4 $4 black
6 $6  black
8 $8  black
10 $A  black
12 $C  black
14 $Elight black

Compute a color value#

Decimal #

Color = Hue + Luminance * 16


Color = $LH


Color Value LLLLHHHH

see also: Color topics