
Color names#

Hue ValueColor from ... to Name
0black to whiteBlack
1brown to goldRust
2orange to yellowRed-orange
3terracotta to pinkDark Orange
4dark red to magentaRed
5violet to light blue Dark lavender
6indigo to white Cobalt blue
7sky blue Ultramarine blue
8royal blue to baby blueMedium Blue
9ultramarin to light blue Dark Blue
10turquois Blue-grey
11dark blue to aquamarin Olive Green
12sea green to turquoisMedium green
13wood green to light green Dark Green
14olive Orange-green
15khaki to yellowOrange


Luminance ValueDescription
0 dark black
2 black
4 black
6  black
8  black
10  black
12  black
14light black

Color = Hue + Luminance * 16


see also: Color topics