Europese Landen en Hoofdsteden (Cassette: TXN 4114)#

Europese Landen en Hoofdsteden is the Dutch translation of European Countries and Capitals. This title is presumed never to be published. We found this copy on a illegal cassette tape. We don't know if this is a real release or a homebrew version. The version looks legit, it has the same copyright date as the other Benelux titles and this recording uses the dual audio format too. It is completely similar to the other Benelux cassette titles.

The release of Europese Landen en Hoofsteden was mentioned in an official Atari Benelux pricelist, but we have never seen a packaged one in real life. The pricelist also features Dutch versions of the Juggle's series, but they were never published. Europese Landen en Hoofdsteden/Europese_Landen_en_Hoofdsteden_1983_Atari_NL_pricelist.jpg

If you have any more information about this title, please contact us!


Side 1: Europese_Landen_en_Hoofdsteden_1983_Atari_NL.cas(info)

FLAC file:#

Side 1: Coming soon!


Side 1: Europese_Landen_en_Hoofdsteden_1983_Atari_NL.ATR(info)


Not available



Not available

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Not available