Fix for the Bugs in divide in ACTION!#
;The following Action! routine will provide you with a fix for the bugs ;in divide in Action! It should be self-explanatory... MODULE ; NEWDIVI.ACT ; (c) 1983 ACS ; Copyright (c) 1983 ; by Action Computer Services (ACS) ; Permission is granted to duplicate ; and/or distribute the contents of ; this file to any licensed user of ; OSS ACTION. This copyright notice ; must be replicated in all such ; copies. Copies of this file may ; not be sold or otherwise used for ; monetary gain. ; This file fixes the problems with ; the ACTION! divide routine and ; should be included within all your ; ACTION! programs until such time ; as an update ROM is available. ; TO USE: ; 'INCLUDE' this file in front ; of all your PROCedures and ; FUNCtions. ; e.g. INCLUDE "D2:NEWDIVI.ACT" PROC DivI=*() [ $20 $A06C $85 $86 $A2 $10 $26 $82 $26 $83 $26 $86 $26 $87 $38 $A5 $86 $E5 $84 $A8 $A5 $87 $E5 $85 $90 $04 $85 $87 $84 $86 $CA $D0 $E5 $A5 $82 $2A $26 $83 $A6 $83 $4C $A032] PROC REMI=*() [$20 DivI $86A5 $87A6 $60] SET $4EA=DivI SET $4EC=RemI ; End of MODULE NEWDIVI.ACT