Dump - Print the contents of binary files in hexadecimal and ATASCII#
General Information
Author: Mark Rose
Language: ACTION!
Compiler/Interpreter: ACTION!
Published: February, 1985
; Dump - Print the contents of binary ; files in hexadecimal and ATASCII ; by Mark Rose - February, 1985 ; A few useful definitions: DEFINE ChunkSize = "8", Escape = "$1B", NewLine = "$9B", File = "1" ; Print out a byte as two hexadecimal ; digits. PROC HexByte(BYTE c) BYTE ARRAY HexDig(16)= ['0 '1 '2 '3 '4 '5 '6 '7 '8 '9 'A 'B 'C 'D 'E 'F] Put(HexDig(c RSH 4)) Put(HexDig(c&15)) RETURN ; Print out a two-byte value as 4 ; hexadecimal digits by calling ; HexByte. PROC HexWord(CARD i) HexByte(i RSH 8) HexByte(i & 255) RETURN ; Read in the next few bytes of the ; file (the desired number is chosen ; by the value of "ChunkSize"). BYTE FUNC ReadChunk( BYTE ARRAY buf ) BYTE nBytes, c nBytes = 0 DO c = GetD( File ) IF EOF( File ) THEN EXIT FI buf( nBytes ) = c nBytes ==+ 1 UNTIL nBytes = ChunkSize OD RETURN( nBytes ) ; Put a character to screen. If char ; is an ATASCII return, put period, ; instead, so display isn't messed up. PROC PutChar( BYTE c ) IF c # NewLine THEN Put( Escape ) Put( c ) ELSE Put( '. ) FI RETURN ; Print hex and ATASCII of chars read ; by ReadChunk. PROC DumpChunk( CARD offset, BYTE n, BYTE ARRAY buf ) BYTE i HexWord( offset ) Print( ":" ) FOR i = 0 TO n-1 DO HexByte( buf( i ) ) Put( ' ) OD FOR i = i TO ChunkSize-1 DO Print( " " ) OD FOR i = 0 TO n-1 DO PutChar( buf( i ) ) OD PutE() RETURN ; Dump a file to screen. PROC Dump() BYTE ARRAY fName( 50 ) CARD offset BYTE size BYTE ARRAY buf( ChunkSize ) ; First, get file to dump. Print( "File: " ) InputS( fName ) Close( File ) Open( File, fname ,4 ,0 ) ; Until end-of-file, read a few chars ; and dump them to screen. offset = 0 DO size = ReadChunk( buf ) IF size = 0 THEN EXIT FI DumpChunk( offset, size, buf ) offset ==+ size OD Close(1) RETURN