General Information
Author: CompyShop
Assembler: Bibo Assembler
Published: Bibo Assembler Toolkit Disk
This routine reads the Get-Char Routines out of the Handler Tab of the "E:" Handler and pushed the Address to the Stack. The Return from Subroutine Command (RTS) uses this address to jump into the ROM <nop>GetKey Routine. Because the Address will be read from the Handler Table, this routine works with all ATARI OS Versions.
The ASCII Value of the Key will be in the Accu, X and Y registers will not be saved.
Taken from the Bibo Assembler Toolkit Disk.
(c) CompyShop (c) ABBUC e.V.
Simple JSR to the "GetKey" Routine and use the returned value in Accu. The GetKEy Routine will block and wait for an Keypress.
... JSR GETKEY ...
00010 ------------------------------ 00020 * READ CHAR FROM KEYBOARD * 00030 * CHAR WILL BE IN THE * 00040 * <A> REGISTER * 00050 * <X>,<Y> will be destroyed * 00060 ------------------------------ 00070 * 00080 GETKEY LDA $E425 GET ADRESS-VECTOR 00090 PHA FROM ROM HANDLER TAB 00100 LDA $E424 PLACE ADDRESS AS 00110 PHA RETURN ADDRESS TO STACK 00120 RTS JUMP TO ROM-ROUTINE 00130 *