Rarity 10 and above up to impossible#
Below are the products AtariWiki is looking for, besides this, the worldwide community is looking for this list of missing / undumped software on AtariAge, too.
•) Atari OS Rev. B (PAL) for Atari 400/800 from 1981 ; PRINT PEEK (65528) <RETURN> => 34
There are more than rumors about this OS type, please see here:
Atari XL OS full searchable size: 14.8 MB
Page 31 in the PDF-file or page 28 in the manual itself.
If you own an Atari 400 or 800 in the PAL version, please do us a favor and enter:
in BASIC. If the result is 34, then you own the most expensive Atari in the world, which has an OS we do not have up to today. It is only a little step for you, but would be a giant leap for the Atari community. Everlasting fame is sure for you in that case.
Further we are looking for:
•) OPERATING SYSTEM 255 for Atari 400/800 ; PRINT PEEK (65528) <RETURN> => 255
Many thanks to kr0tki who found the trace, that the OS 255 is for real! In page 8 of:
All about Cassette Tapes from 1979.pdf ; size: 741 KB we find:
•) From The Atari Accountant Series just:
- CX402: Accounts Receivable System (4 SSDD Diskettes)
- CX403: Inventory Control System (5 SSDD Diskettes)
•) Atari The Dow Jones Investment Evaluator
Atari Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX8124
Atari Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX8125
Atari Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX8127
•) Atari Home Finance or Personal Finance
•) Atari Learning System Software ; complete missing!
•) Desperate call for help on missing Dorsett tapes
Some tapes had severe damage and therefore couldn't be digitized. If anyone is in the possession of the following tapes, please give us a message or a post here. We really need your help and appreciate just any hint on the programs, who seem to be lost in time, like tears in rain.
The left ones to digitize are as follows:
- General Shop Practices:
Oa1 Tool Identification Lesson, Part 1
Oa7 Discussion of a Two-Cycle Engine
Oa8 Use of Micrometers and Calipers
- Health Services Career:
Hc5 Medical History
Hc6 Extended Care
- Physics:
Ph16 Theory of Relativity
Well, concerning Physics, we may can restore Ph16 from the Atari-Version of that course, Physics CX6008? Just loud thinking...
•) Atari Assembler Editor Cartridge Source Code
•) Atari Macro Assembler (AMAC) and Program Text Editor Source Code
•) Atari Editor CX8105 (maybe replaced by the Atari Program Text Editor?)
•) Atari Statistics II CX8112 Disk (was it ever finished?)
•) Atari Pascal
CXL4017 Pascal (cartridge, planned, but never released)
CX8109 Pascal (planned, but never released, because 128 KB RAM and 2 disk drives were needed)
CX8110 Pascal Database (planned, but never released, because 128 KB RAM and 2 disk drives were needed)
CX8115 Pascal-Native Code (planned, but never released, because 128 KB RAM and 2 disk drives were needed)
CX8116 Pascal-Linker (planned, but never released, because 128 KB RAM and 2 disk drives were needed)
•) McStuff Co. OSS BUG/65 revision 1.1
•) OSS BUGV4FIX.COM - file needed to patch BUG/65 to work with DOS XL 4
•) OSS BUG/65 Source Code
•) OSS EASMD Source Code
•) OSS BASIC A+ Source Code
•) OSS Newsletters
We already have:
OSS Newsletter - Summer 1983
OSS Newsletter - January 1984
OSS Newsletter - Spring 1984
OSS Newsletter - October 1984
OSS Newsletter - Fall 1986
OSS Newsletter - Winter 1987
•) OSS Newsletters disks all are missing
•) OSS MAC/65 MACDO.M65 - file published by OSS via BBS
•) OSS Action! Graphics Utilities Library and Shape Editor
•) Synapse Software: SynMail; was finished according to Steve Hales, but after SynCalc und SynFile+ never sold to the public. So, somewhere out there, it may exists
•) Synapse Software: SynText; was finished according to Steve Hales, but after SynCalc und SynFile+ never sold to the public. So, somewhere out there, it may exists
•) Visicorporation: VisiDex; An information organization and retrieval program which lets the user file and recall any type of information. It prints out lists, notes, and memos; and keeps track of a daily calendar, alerting the user to upcoming events. According to 'The Atari User's Encyclopedia from The Book Company, page 232, this software exists. So, somewhere out there, it may exists...
•) Visicorporation: VisiFile; A comprehensive electronic filing system that makes it simple to organize, maintain, and effectively use all the information a business needs. It will accurately store, search, sort, retrieve, display, calculate, and print reports, lists, and mailing lists. According to 'The Atari User's Encyclopedia from The Book Company, page 232, this software exists. So, somewhere out there, it may exists...
•) Kyan Pascal: The community with the help of all has made great progress regarding Kyan Pascal. Tom Eckmann, CEO of Kyan Pascal, was so nice to us, by giving Kyan Pascal into PD. To complete Kyan Pascal, we need your help again. The missing list is as follows:
- Kyan Pascal version 1.2
- Programming Utility Toolkit for Kyan Pascal version 1.x
- Advanced Graphics Toolkit for Kyan Pascal version 1.x
- Kyan Pascal version 2.00 and 2.03
- Code Optimizer Toolkit for Kyan Pascal version 2.x ; includes the source code for the Runtime Library
Please take into account: the System Utilities Toolkit for Kyan Pascal version 2.x is labeled as Version 1.00, while the content is 2.x! Therefore, if you have any original diskette from Kyan Pascal, please let us know. Thank you so much in advance. :-)
•) Forth Compiler from Frank Ostrowski (seems to be lost in time, until a friend of Frank may give it to the community?)
•) Atari Pole Position II (title by Namco; never shipped, but exists!)
•) Atari FutureMakers-Through the Star Bridge DX5076 (C) 1984 Atari, Inc. ; Many, many thanks to Hans Reutter for the info, Allan Bushman for the high resolution grab and Atarimania for hosting!
•) Atari FutureMakers-This Is Ground Control DX5077 (C) 1984 Atari, Inc. ; Many, many thanks to Hans Reutter for the info, Allan Bushman for the high resolution grab and Atarimania for hosting!
•) Atari Force - Liberator (C) 1982 Atari, Inc.
•) Pursuit of the Pink Panther ; Copyright (C) 1983 NAP Consumer Electronics, Licensed from MGM/UA with the music from Henry Mancini!!!
•) Phoenix for Atari 800
•) Success with Math - CBS Software - Decimals - Addition and Subtraction
•) Success with Math - CBS Software - Subtracting Mixed Fractions
German Atari software#
•) Atari Datenbank DXG 5723 Copyright © 1983 Atari Elektronik Vertriebs GmbHHierzu ist zu sagen, dass bis heute keine Version öffentlich bekannt ist. Ferner ist noch nicht einmal eine Boxenhülle als Bild vorhanden. Es kann sich jedoch um die deutsche Version von SynFile+ handeln, welche exklusiv für Atari entwickelt worden ist. Das Jahr 1983 stimmt, ferner wird das Basic-Modul benötigt, auch das stimmt hier. Sollte jemand im Besitz dieser Software sein, würden wir uns über eine Rückmeldung sehr, sehr freuen. :-)
•) Atari Music Spiele
Hierzu ist zu sagen, dass bis heute keine Version öffentlich bekannt ist. Ferner ist noch nicht einmal eine Boxenhülle als Bild vorhanden. In keinem Katalog, noch in einer Preisliste oder in einem Handbuch wurde hierzu eine Spur gefunden! Dennoch kommt die Information aus einer sehr seriösen Quelle, die wir ernst nehmen. Sollte jemand im Besitz dieser Software sein, würden wir uns über eine Rückmeldung sehr, sehr freuen. :-)
•) Super Biorythmus (wurde es je fertig?)
Und als letztes noch das Modul, welches für den WDR hergestellt worden ist:
•) WWF-Club-Spiel - A cartridge used by German Television in the 80's for a call-in game via telephone - programmer has lived in Hattingen/Germany
Images of the lost things#
The Atari Accountant Series
Atari The Dow Jones Investment Evaluator
Atari Home Finance or Personal Finance