Simple Blitter Routine#
this is the BETA Version of a simple Blitter Routine for Mirko Sobe (AtariXLE, BOSS X).
Use attached ATR Image. There is a demo Turbo Basic PGM on the Image. The ML-Routine is really simple. All Memory Calculations must be done in Basic or in the programmers brain ;)
To Move Memory from high to low address, use a 16 Bit negative value in the "bytes_per_row_in_frambuffer" parameter. So -40 becomes (40 EXOR $FFFF) + 1 = $FFD8
USAGE: x=USR(<addr of mlroutine>> , sourceaddr, destaddr, bytes_in_rows, lines, bytes_per_row_in_frambuffer)
- sourceaddr is the Source Address (like DPEEK(88))
- destaddr is the Destination Address
- bytes_in_row is the number of bytes in a row to copy
- lines is the numbers of lines to copy
- bytes_per_row_in_framebuffer is the number of bytes per line in the framebuffer (40 for Graphics 0 and 8, $FFD8 for negative = -40)
Source (Bibo Assembler)#
01000 .LI OFF 01010 ********************** 01020 ** ** 01030 ** SIMPLE BLITTER ** 01040 ** (C) 2004 CAS ** 01050 ** FOR MIRKO SOBE ** 01060 ** VERSION 1.0 ** 01070 ** ** 01080 ********************** 01090 ; 01100 .OR $600 01110 ; 01120 .OF "D:BLITTER.COM" 01130 ; 01140 SRCADR = $00 01150 DSTADR = $06 01160 BASRC = $D4 01170 LEN = $0400 01180 LINES = $0401 01190 LENFB = $0402 01200 ; 01210 BASIC PLA 01220 CMP #5 01230 BEQ CPY 01240 ERROR 01250 LDX #$0 01260 STA BASRC+1 01270 LDX #$80 01280 STA BASRC 01290 RTS 01300 ; 01310 CPY 01320 PLA 01330 STA SRCADR+1 01340 PLA 01350 STA SRCADR 01360 PLA 01370 STA DSTADR+1 01380 PLA 01390 STA DSTADR 01400 ; 01410 PLA 01420 PLA 01430 STA LEN 01440 PLA 01450 PLA 01460 STA LINES 01470 PLA 01480 STA LENFB+1 01490 PLA 01500 STA LENFB 01510 ; 01520 CPYL LDY LEN 01530 DEY 01540 .1 01550 LDA (SRCADR),Y 01560 STA (DSTADR),Y 01570 DEY 01580 BPL .1 01590 .2 01600 DEC LINES 01610 BEQ END 01620 CLC 01630 LDA SRCADR 01640 ADC LENFB 01650 STA SRCADR 01660 LDA SRCADR+1 01670 ADC LENFB+1 01680 STA SRCADR+1 01690 .3 01700 CLC 01710 LDA DSTADR 01720 ADC LENFB 01730 STA DSTADR 01740 LDA DSTADR+1 01750 ADC LENFB+1 01760 STA DSTADR+1 01770 CLC 01780 .4 BCC CPYL ; ALWAYS 01790 ; 01800 END 01810 LDA #0 01820 STA BASRC+1 01830 LDA #1 01840 STA BASRC 01850 RTS 01860 ------------------------------
Demo Program (Turbo Basic)#
1010 DIM X$($70) 1020 X$="<mlcode routine>" 1040 CLS 1050 ? "BLITTER DEMO" 1060 ? "GR.0" 1070 GET A 1080 GRAPHICS 0 1090 FOR U=1 TO 16 1100 FOR I=1 TO 30:? U;:NEXT I 1110 NEXT U 1120 ? :? " UP..." 1130 FOR U=1 TO 20 1140 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88)+40*10+10,DPEEK(88)+40*9+10,10,14,40) 1150 NEXT U 1160 ? :? "<KEY>":GET A 1170 ? " AND DOWN " 1180 FOR U=1 TO 20 1190 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88)+40*19+25,DPEEK(88)+40*20+25,10,14,$FFD8) 1200 NEXT U 1210 GET A 1220 GRAPHICS 15 1230 OPEN #1,4,0,"D:MZM.PIC" 1240 BGET #1,DPEEK(88),7680 1250 CLOSE #1 1260 ? "SCROLLUP <KEY>" 1270 GET A 1280 FOR U=1 TO 40 1290 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88)+40*10+10,DPEEK(88)+40*9+10,14,40,40) 1300 NEXT U 1310 ? "ZOOM EFFEKT! <KEY>":GET A 1320 FOR U=1 TO 180 1330 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88)+20+40,DPEEK(88)+20,10,U,40) 1340 NEXT U 1350 ? " FILL/CLEAR BLOCK" 1360 GET A 1370 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88)+14,DPEEK(88)+54,8,192,40) 1380 ? " FILL/CLEAR SCREEN" 1390 GET A 1400 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88),DPEEK(88)+40,40,192,40) 1410 ? "<KEY>":GET A 1420 OPEN #1,4,0,"D:MZM.PIC" 1430 BGET #1,DPEEK(88),7680 1440 CLOSE #1 1450 ? "SCROLLDOWN <KEY>" 1460 GET A 1470 FOR U=1 TO 40 1480 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88)+40*129+10,DPEEK(88)+40*130+10,14,40,$FFD8) 1490 NEXT U 1500 ? "ZOOM EFFEKT! <KEY>":GET A 1510 FOR U=1 TO 180 1520 X=USR(ADR(X$),DPEEK(88)+20+179*40,DPEEK(88)+20+180*40,10,U,$FFD8) 1530 NEXT U