This page (revision-11) was last changed on 03-Feb-2023 15:21 by Roland B. Wassenberg 

This page was created on 06-Oct-2021 00:25 by Roland B. Wassenberg

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
11 03-Feb-2023 15:21 3 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous
10 30-Jun-2022 02:35 3 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
9 30-Jun-2022 02:28 3 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
8 30-Jun-2022 02:20 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
7 30-Jun-2022 02:18 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
6 30-Jun-2022 01:33 471 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
5 19-Jun-2022 23:33 977 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
4 06-Oct-2021 00:39 515 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
3 06-Oct-2021 00:33 516 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
2 06-Oct-2021 00:31 495 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
1 06-Oct-2021 00:25 276 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to last

Page References

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Atari Proofreader

Version management

Difference between version and

At line 4 added 5 lines
!! ATR-Files
* [Atari Proofreader (1985)(Atari)(US)(Disk 1 of 2)(Program Diskette)(cr CSS).atr]
* [Atari Proofreader (1985)(Atari)(US)(Disk 2 of 2)(Dictionary Diskette).atr]
* [Atari Proofreader-Program Diskette-DX 5073.atr]
* [Atari Proofreader-Dictionary Diskette-DX5074.atr]
At line 10 added 3 lines
!! ATX-Files
* [Atari Proofreader-Program Diskette-DX 5073.atx]
* [Atari Proofreader-Dictionary Diskette-DX5074.atx]
At line 14 added 4 lines
!! Manuals
* [Atari Proofreader AX2033-CO16083-73 REV. A (1985)-Print-OCR.pdf] ; size: 7.4 MB ; ready to print version with OCR
* [Atari Proofreader AX2033-CO16083-73 REV. A (1985)-Screen-OCR.pdf] ; size: 1.1 MB ; screen optimized version with OCR