This page (revision-5) was last changed on 03-Feb-2023 15:21 by Roland B. Wassenberg 

This page was created on 19-Jun-2018 21:47 by Roland B. Wassenberg

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
5 03-Feb-2023 15:21 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous
4 19-Jun-2018 21:59 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
3 19-Jun-2018 21:57 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
2 19-Jun-2018 21:53 1 KB Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
1 19-Jun-2018 21:47 253 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to last

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Version management

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At line 8 changed 2 lines
[{Image src='mac65_102_2.jpg' width=367 height=465 }]
MAC/65 version 1.02 ; cart from 1984 - back view ; ultra rare! ; thank you so much Fred Meijer from the [Atarimuseum in the Netherlands|] \\
[{Image src='Super Biorythme - K7 - TF 4001 - Cover.JPG' width=367 height=465 }]
Super Biorythmus - Box\\
At line 11 changed 2 lines
[{Image src='mac65_102_2.jpg' width=367 height=465 }]
MAC/65 version 1.02 ; cart from 1984 - back view ; ultra rare! ; thank you so much Fred Meijer from the [Atarimuseum in the Netherlands|] \\
[{Image src='Super Biorythme - TF 4001.jpg' width=367 height=465 }]
Super Biorythmus - Box-Seitenansicht\\
At line 14 changed 2 lines
[{Image src='mac65_102_2.jpg' width=367 height=465 }]
MAC/65 version 1.02 ; cart from 1984 - back view ; ultra rare! ; thank you so much Fred Meijer from the [Atarimuseum in the Netherlands|] \\
[{Image src='Super Biorythme - K7 - TF 4001 - K7.jpg' width=367 height=465 }]
Super Biorythmus - Kassette\\
At line 17 changed 2 lines
[{Image src='mac65_102_2.jpg' width=367 height=465 }]
MAC/65 version 1.02 ; cart from 1984 - back view ; ultra rare! ; thank you so much Fred Meijer from the [Atarimuseum in the Netherlands|] \\
[{Image src='Super Biorythme - K7 - TF 4001 - Screen1.png' width=367 height=465 }]
Super Biorythmus - Startbildschirm\\
At line 20 changed 2 lines
[{Image src='mac65_102_2.jpg' width=367 height=465 }]
MAC/65 version 1.02 ; cart from 1984 - back view ; ultra rare! ; thank you so much Fred Meijer from the [Atarimuseum in the Netherlands|]
[{Image src='Super Biorythme - K7 - TF 4001 - Screen2.png' width=367 height=465 }]
Super Biorythmus - angewendet