How to write a new USB HID Driver #
The USB Device #
I bought a new Logitech Rumblepad 2 USB today. Because there is currently no driver for the Atari for this device, I use this as a case study how to write an USB Driver for this device.
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The Logitech Rumblepad 2 USB has one digital Joypad Controller, two analog Joystick Controller (Right Handle and Left Handle), 10 normal Buttons, a Mode Button amd a Mode LED, and a Button to change the Force Feedback Vibration Mode (long or short).
Step 1: Examine the USB Packets #
First I start the USBTEST.COM Utility on the USB End User Driver Disk. The USB Controller can access the Logitech Pad and prints out the Device Descriptor and the String Descriptors. Ok, we can access the device. Fine. Next I start the USB HID Trace in USBTEST. The USB HID Trace will print out all the USB Packets send from the USB Device to the Controller (the USB Cart). We will see something like this if we use the Device:
80 80 80 FF 08 00 44 FD | 80 80 80 E0 08 00 44 FD | Left handle from down to default 80 80 80 95 18 00 44 FD <- Button 1 pressed | 80 80 80 7F 08 00 44 FD |
Here I moved the right handle from down to the default (middle) position and I pressed Button 1 once.
After playing around with the Device for a while (10 minutes), I know all(most) all packets available:
- Byte 1: left handle horizontal movement ($00 = left, $80 = middle, $FF= right)
- Byte 2: left handle vertical movement ($00 = up, $80 = middle, $FF= down)
- Byte 3: right handle horizontal movement ($00 = left, $80 = middle, $FF= right)
- Byte 4: right handle vertical movement ($00 = up, $80 = middle, $FF= down)
- Byte 5: Bit 0-3 digital Joypad (see below)
- Byte 5: Bit 4 - Button 1, Bit 5 - Button 2, Bit 6 - Button 3, Bit 7 - Button 8
- Byte 6: Bit 0-5 - Button 5-10
- Byte 7: Bit 2 - Vibration Switch, Bit 3 - Mode Switch and LED
- Byte 8: unknown
The digital Joypad has a unique value for each direction_
. up 0 7 | 1 left 6---8---2 right 5 | 3 4 down
Step 2: The Basic Driver #
I start a new, fresh formatted Disk for each new driver. I install a DOS and Bibo Assembler on the disk, along with the Base HID Driver and the HID Device Template Sourcecode.
Each HID Driver Sourcecode consists of two parts:
- the basic part
- the device dependent part
The Base HID Driver Sourcecode.
The Basic Part handles the generic tasks identical for all USB HID Devices:
- print copyright message
- Reset and Initialization of the USB Controller
- Detect slow speed device
- send USB Address 1 to device and setup EndPoint 0
- select Configuration 1 in the device
- initialize the VBI
We change the basic driver to include our device dependent part.
------------------------------ DEVICE .IN "D:device.SRC" ------------------------------
Step 3: The Device Driver #
The Device dependet part will be included into the basic part. The Device dependent part has two main functions:
- print out device dependet messages
- copy the USB HID Register values in Atari Shadow Register
- simulate legacy Atari Controller (Joystick, Keyboard, Paddle)
We only need to change the Device dependent part of the driver. First we must device where to store the shadow registers for the native USB Device functions. These Registers will be copied from the USB Controller Memory into the Atari Memory. The USB HID Registers start at the USB Controller Memory Location $10. I've choosen to store the USB Register Values into the Memory Locations for Paddles ($270-$277).
USB Register | Byte of HID Packet | Function | Atari Memory Shadow | original Label | new USB label | |
$10 | 1 | left handle horiz movement | $270 (624) | PADDL0 | RPADLHH | |
$11 | 2 | left handle vertic movement | $271 (625) | PADDL1 | RPADLHV | |
$12 | 3 | right handle horiz movement | $272 (626) | PADDL2 | RPADRHH | |
$13 | 4 | right handle vertic movement | $273 (627) | PADDL3 | RPADRHV | |
$14 | 5 Bit 0-4 | digital Joypad | $274 (628) | PADDL4 | RPADDJY | |
$14 | 5 Bit 5-7 | Button 1-4 | $275 (629) | PADDL5 | RPADBUT1 | |
$15 | 6 | Button 5-10 | $276 (630) | PADDL6 | RPADBUT2 | |
$16 | 7 | Mode Button Status | $277 (631) | PADDL7 | RPADMODE |
Accessing the USB Controller Memory is wasy. Load the X-Index Register with the USB Memory Location to access (0-255) and jump to subroutine REGFETCH. REGFETCH will return with the value of that memory location in the Accu (A) Register. This value is then stored into the Atari Shadow register. Because we are running in an VBI, we will overwrite all values the Atari OS has written into this registers.
POLLDEVICE LDA #03 JSR PROCESS ; Poll for next USB HID Packet LDX #$10 ; load USB Register $10 JSR REGFETCH STA RPADLHH ; store in shadow register LDX #$11 JSR REGFETCH STA RPADLHH LDX #$12 JSR REGFETCH STA RPADRHH LDX #$13 JSR REGFETCH STA RPADRHV LDX #$14 JSR REGFETCH PHA ; save value on stack AND #$0F ; clear top nibble Bit 4-7 STA RPADDJY ; store in shadow register PLA ; restore original value from stack LSR ; shift top nibble into lower nibble LSR ; Bit 4-7 -> 0-3 LSR LSR STA RPADBUT1 ; store in shadow register LDX #$15 JSR REGFETCH STA RPADBUT2 LDX #$16 JSR REGFETCH STA RPADMODE RTS
Code to print the Device dependet messages. These Subroutines will be called by the Base driver upon initialization:
PRINTDEVICE JSR PRINT JSR PRINT .AS "Logitech RumblePad 2 USB Driver" .HX 40 RTS PRINTVERSION JSR PRINT .AS "Version 1.0" .HX 40 RTS PRINTCOPY JSR PRINT .AS "(c) 20041213 C. Strotmann" .HX 40 RTS
The Subroutine USB2ATA is emulating legacy Atari devices (Atari Joystick) from the USB Joypad values. In this driver, all USB Device Buttons fire the Trigger of the first Atari Joystick. The left USB Handle goes to digital Atari Joystick 1 (STICK(1) in Basic) and the right USB Handle goes to digital Joystick 2 (STICK(2) in Basic).
; THRESHOLD ANALOG->DIGITAL THLEFT .HX 60 THRIGHT .HX A0 THUP .HX 60 THDOWN .HX A0 USB2ATA LDA #$0F ; setup default STA STICK0 ; Atari Stick and Trigger STS STICK1 ; values $0F = 15 = no move LDA #1 STA STRIG0 STA STRIG1 ; LDA RPADBUT1 ; any Button pressed? ORA RPADBUT2 BEQ GETSTICK ; no! LDA #0 ; yes, store Trigger pressed value STA STRIG0 ; GETSTICK1 ; process Stick 1 (Left Handle) LDA STICK0 LDX RPADLHH CPX THLEFT BCC .1 ; LEFT CPX THRIGHT BCS .2 ; RIGHT BCC .10 EOR #$04 ; LEFT BPL .3 .2 EOR #$08 ; RIGHT .3 STA STICK0 .10 LDX RPADLHV CPX THUP BCC .11 ; UP CPX THDOWN BCS .12 ; DOWN BCC .20 .11 EOR #$01 ; UP BNE .13 .12 EOR #$02 ; DOWN .13 STA STICK0 .20 GETSTICK2 ; process Stick 2 (Right Handle) LDA STICK1 LDX RPADRHH CPX THLEFT BCC .1 ; LEFT CPX THRIGHT BCS .2 ; RIGHT BCC .10 EOR #$04 ; LEFT BPL .3 .2 EOR #$08 ; RIGHT .3 STA STICK1 .10 LDX RPADRHV CPX THUP BCC .11 ; UP CPX THDOWN BCS .12 ; DOWN BCC .20 .11 EOR #$01 ; UP BNE .13 .12 EOR #$02 ; DOWN .13 STA STICK1 .20 RTS
The Complete Device dependent part of the Source Code.
Step 4: Compile and Test #
Now we compile the new Driver and Test the driver with a small basic Program.
- we load the Base Driver Part into BiboAssembler and compile with ASM to a binary driver (COM File).
- we load the driver from DOS
- we enter Basic and test the driver with this small Basic Program
100 REM Small USB Testprogram for Logitech Rumble Pad 2 USB Driver 110 REM ----------------------------------------------------------- 120 IF STICK(0) < 15 THEN PRINT "Moved Left Handle, Joystick 1:", STICK(0) 130 IF STICK(1) < 15 THEN PRINT "Moved Right Handle, Joystick 2:", STICK(1) 140 IF STRIG(0) < 1 THEN PRINT "Pressed Button:", STRIG(0) 150 GOTO 120