OSS Integer Basic ; Copyright (C) 1983-1986 by Stephen D. Lawrow & OSS, Inc.#
From Tomasz 'KrOtki' Krasuski from AtariAge:I've used MAC/65 1.02 to assemble it to cartridge. It requires changing lines 130 and 150 in D1:MASTER of the source code, to change PROM to 0 and _CART to 1. Then assemble from disk, which results in a binary file that loads to $3000-$6fff, bank order "3M04". Retrieve this data in an appropriate order to create a ROM image.
So, Integer BASIC appears to contain the same features as BASIC XE, but with integer arithmetic. And it's blazing fast.
Integer Basic source code#
- Integer_BASIC_v1.00_C_(1986-11-19)(OSS)(US)034M.car ; thank you so much Tomasz 'KrOtki' Krasuski for building the 1st cartridge, we owe you so much. :-)))
- Integer_BASIC_v1.00_C_(1986-11-19)(OSS)(US)034M.bin ; thank you so much Tomasz 'KrOtki' Krasuski for building the 1st binary, we owe you so much. :-)))
- Integer_BASIC_v1.00_C_(1986-11-19)(OSS)(US)043M.bin ; just runs in Altirra with OSS '043M' ; thank you so much Tomasz 'KrOtki' Krasuski for building the 1st binary, we owe you so much. :-)))
- Integer_BASIC_1.00_with_DOS_2.5_MD.atr ; just the file version