SDrive-MAX by KBr#
Table of Contents
SDrive-MAX by KBr
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when dealing with the Atari over SIO and/or PC/Mac over USB. It can really damage the device! Please don't use USB and SIO at the same time! With version 0.5 SDrive-MAX can handle now ATX- and CAS-images! It can't be better! Now, Atari users on real hardware can deal with protected disk images. Further, all stuff on just a single microSD card! That offers for the community to build a 'master microSD card image' for all. Just a host is still needed.
And last but not least: Thank you soooooo much Klaus! You really, really rock! Go ahead and a Tera-Thank-You in the name of the community! Incredible and outstanding work! We are as deep as the Mariana Trench in our debt! :-))))
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; downloads from the original site
- package
; flash software for macOS
- firmware
; firmware from the original site
ATR image#
- SDrive-MAX atr image
; SDrive-MAX atr image for use as D0: drive
Flashing for macOS#
> download the latest package
> download the latest firmware

> take apart 3 files: 'eeprom_writer.hex' , 'SDrive.hex' and 'sdrive.atr'
> connect Arduino via USB to your Mac
> open the Terminal app
> cd /dev
> ls -a
> search for 'tty.Serial...' or 'tty.SeriellerAnschluss' or 'tty.usbmodem14411' etc. ; (*) is defined as this string without ' ' and without any blank. Keep that string in mind, then type in: avrdude -carduino -pm328p -P /dev/(*) -U flash:w:<path to to this file>/eeprom_writer.hex
> for example: avrdude -carduino -pm328p -P /dev/tty.usbmodem14411 -U flash:w:/Users/AtariWiki/Desktop/eeprom_writer.hex
> then: avrdude -carduino -pm328p -P /dev/tty.usbmodem14411 -U flash:w:/Users/AtariWiki/Desktop/SDrive.hex
> flashing is now done
> disconnect everything, take a usb card reader and copy the file 'sdrive.atr' on the microSD card into the root directory
> reconnect everything
> congratulations to your new SDrive-Max software! :-)
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- Original SDrive-Max website
- Arduino Uno Rev.3 Mikrocontroller Board
- USB cable from Amazon
- Bundel Acryl Gehäuse & UNO R3 ATmega 328P Board CH340G USB Chip
- CrossPack for AVR® Development
- Elegoo UNO R3 2.8 Inches TFT Touch Screen
- Elegoo Uno R3 2,8" TFT Touchscreen mit SD Karten Slot für Arduino UNO R3 Bibliotheken auf CD Mitgeliefert
- SDrive-MAX at HiassofT's Atari 8bit world
- microSD card from Amazon
- Projektvorstellung: SDrive-MAX im
; German language ; please use:
in case of problems. Alexa, Siri or even the Star Trek universal translator from 1967 do not work at the moment, but AtariWiki has an eye on it. ;-)
; German language ; instructions for setting up a SDrive-MAX from Sascha Kriegel. Incredible infos, a must read. Thank you so much Sascha, AtariWiki is deep in your debt.
; Anleitung in deutsch zum SDrive-MAX von Sascha Kriegel; Danke an Sascha für diese tolle und ausführliche Anleitung und den Abbuc fürs hosten! :-)
Wenn man beim Einschalten des Ataris zusätzlich die Shift-Taste gedrückt hält, erscheint eine Zeile oben mit verschiedenen Option. Man muss aber weiterhin die Shift-Taste gedrückt halten und zusätzlich dann eine Auswahl treffen. Hat man verschiedene Dateien den jeweiligen Laufwerken zugeordnet und ist noch im Auswahlmenü, kann man mit Control und W die Laufwerkseinstellungen sichern. Beim nächsten Start werden diese dann automatisch zugeordnet. Somit eine sehr smarte Benutzerfunktion! :-) Danke Bernd, für diese wichtigen Infos.