This page (revision-14) was last changed on 03-Feb-2023 15:21 by Florian Dingler 

This page was created on 18-Sep-2017 14:35 by Roland B. Wassenberg

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 03-Feb-2023 15:21 5 KB Florian Dingler to previous
13 16-Jun-2020 16:50 5 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
12 16-Jun-2020 16:49 5 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
11 15-Jun-2020 18:53 3 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
10 15-Jun-2020 18:52 3 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
9 15-Jun-2020 18:47 3 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
8 15-Jun-2020 18:45 3 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
7 15-Jun-2020 17:37 3 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
6 14-Jun-2020 17:36 3 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
5 14-Jun-2020 12:01 2 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
4 14-Jun-2020 11:47 1 KB Florian Dingler to previous | to last
3 18-Sep-2017 14:56 316 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
2 18-Sep-2017 14:38 270 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to previous | to last
1 18-Sep-2017 14:35 131 bytes Roland B. Wassenberg to last

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At line 11 added 12 lines
||Format||Sides||Tracks/Diskside||KBit||Recording||Bytes/Sector||Sector/Track||Disksize||ATR Size 1)
|Single SD|1|40|125|FM|128|18|90 KB|92176 2)
|Medium/Enhanced MD|1|40|250|MFM|128|26|130 KB|133136 2)
|Double DD|1|40|250|MFM|256|18|180 KB|183952 3)
|Quad DS/DD/40 Tr|2|40|250|MFM|256|18|360 KB|368272 3)
|Octo DS/DD/80 Tr|2|80|250|MFM|256|18|720 KB|736912 3)
|High|2|80|500|MFM|256|36|1.440 KB|1474192 3)
|Extra High|2|80|1000|MFM|256|72|2.880 KB|2948752 3)
|Harddisk|1|1|x|MFM|128|65535|8 MB|8388496 2)
|Harddisk|1|1|x|MFM|256|65535|16 MB|16776592 3)
|Harddisk|1|1|x|MFM|512|65535|32 MB|33553936 4)
1) XFD: subtract -16 Bytes (ATR Header), therefore add +384 Bytes! (XFD saves the full boot sector size / disksize, BUT it does not / cannot save the full sector data – these additional 384 bytes are simply empty!)
At line 12 changed one line
|| ||90KB||130KB||180KB||360KB||720KB||1440KB||Remark
2) full byte size / disksize (has 128 bytes boot sectors, thus no need to subtract 384 Bytes!)
3) byte size minus boot sectors (has 256 byte boot sectors, thus 3x 128 bytes = 384 bytes already subtracted, since the Atari OS only allows 128 byte boot sectors from diskette! the real disksize is therefore 384 bytes larger, but that data is not transfered from the floppy to the computer! most A8 floppy drives would require a firmware change to read/transfer full 256 bytes bootsectors)
4) harddisks can use full 512 bytes for bootsectors! floppy disks are still limited to 128 bytes bootsectors!