Quick programming language ; Copyright (C) 1989 RAINDORF SOFT & Andreas Binner and Harald Schönfeld#

The story so far, Abbuc e. V. holds all rights from CompyShop and therefore gave us the rights to publish Quick. To be exact, all German version can be published here, except the English versions of 2.1 and 2.2.. These two versions have to be obtained from dgs, please see below. On the other hand, AtariWiki is free to publish the English version of 1.6 for free and there is a type in listing on the version to upgrade legally to 2.1.

ATR Images#

  • QUICKV16.ATR(info) ; QUICK version 1.6 with Editor, Compiler, Runtime and DOS II Version 2.75
  • QIK_SHEL.atr(info) ; Quick-Shell V1.1, includes Quick-Editor V1.3 and Quick-Compiler V1.6 in English
  • QIK_001.atr(info) ; QUICKmagazin Ausgabe 1 in German language
  • QIK_002.atr(info) ; QUICKmagazin Ausgabe 2 in German language
  • QIK_003.atr(info) ; QUICKmagazin Ausgabe 3 in German language

We are sorry, we can't offer the ATR images of version 2.1 and 2.2 in English for free, but the right holder: dgs offers them for a cheap price. Quick version 2.2 english currently costs US$5 on its own, or US$7 when included in the full DGS commercial software pack. Both are delivered as a ZIP file containing ATR files of the disks (including two support disks), along with a PDF of the English manual.


Quick Programs#

Quick Magazin#

These are the QUICK Magazin Disk 1 - 15.

We thank Andreas Magaenheimer for this donation.



Quick Logo

Quick Disk ; Verlag W. Raetz oder Rätz, Postfach 1640, 7510 (alte PLZ) Bretten , 75015 (neue PLZ) Bretten ; thank you Atarimania! :-)

Quick Handbuch ; thank you Atarimania! :-)

Quick-Shell V1.1

Quick Editor V1.3

Quick-Compiler V1.6

Das QUICKmagazin

QUICKmagazin Ausgabe 1

QUICKmagazin Ausgabe 2

QUICKmagazin Ausgabe 3

QUICKmagazin Fehlerteufel

QUICKmagazin - program changes

QUICKmagazin - compiler changes

The new QUICK-System Version 2.0

The new commands in QUICK V2.0


We thank Fred Meijer from Atarimuseum in the Netherlands for this donation

Quick ad Christmas 1991