Dorsett Educational System Lesson Cassettes#
Lloyd G. Dorsett (Dorsett Educational Systems) produced a lot of Educational System cassettes. Besides the 16 packages from Atari Atari Educational System Lesson Cassettes, Lloyd G. Dorsett offered the 46 packages below, too. Each course has 16 programs on 8 cassettes.Thanks to Michael Current, Thomas Cherryhomes, and Kevin Savetz, it was possible to save these courses for generations to come. We can't thank you enough!
1st column#
- Basic Algebra MA
- Office Careers OF
- Industrial Solid-State Electronics PL
- Statistics ST
- Reading-Development U
- Comprehension-Reading AB
- Reading-Development T
- U.S. History HS
- Carpentry KC
2nd column#
- Reading-Mathematics MR
- Decimals and Percents MP
- English as a second language ESL 1-16
- Construction OC
- Comprehension-Reading CD
- Reading-Development V
- Reading-Development X
- Spelling SP
- Spanish U-ES
3rd column#
- Geometry MG
- Digital Electronics PD
- Supervisory Practices SU
- Basic Sociology SO
- Reading-Development Y
- First Aid and Safety FA
- Philosophy PY
- World History HW
- General Shop OA
4th column#
- Principles of Accounting PA
- Business Communications BC
- Economics EC
- Basic Psychology PS
- Physics PH
- Problems about Measurement MM
- Health Services Career HC
- Effective Writing EW
- Basic Electricity PE
5th column#
- Mathematics for Electronics ME
- Working with Numbers MN
- English as a second Language ESL 17-32
- Reading-Development Z
- Reading-Development W
- Counseling Co
- U.S. Government Gv
- Auto Mechanics KA
- Vocational Vocabulary VZ
Desperate call for help on missing Dorsett tapes#
Some tapes had severe damage and therefore couldn't be digitized. If anyone is in the possession of the following tapes, please give a message or a post here. We really need your help and appreciate just any hint on the programs, who seem to be lost in time, like tears in rain.
The left ones are to digitize are as follows:
- General Shop Practices:
Oa1 Tool Identification Lesson, Part 1 (B)
Oa7 Discussion of a Two-Cycle Engine (X)
Oa8 Use of Micrometers and Calipers (X)
(B) Indicates a bad data track
(X) Indicates the tapes were unarchivable due to degauss
- Health Services Career:
Hc5 Medical History (X)
Hc6 Extended Care (X)
(X) This lesson is not included - the cassette that we have was blank (probably accidentally erased sometime after it was duplicated.)
- Physics:
Ph16 Theory of Relativity
Ph16 does seem to be truncated, and probably should be reconstructed from the Atari cassettes.
Well, concerning Physics, we may can restore Ph16 from the Atari-Version of that course, Physics CX6008?
Just loud thinking...